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Agenda and Minutes

Kachina Country Day School Parent Teacher Organization

The 2010-2011 PTO's next meeting is 
Wednesday, April 13 at 3:45
Please join us!


May 11, 2011

I.                  Welcome

II.               Administration Report

III.           Treasurer's Report

IV.           Old Business

a.     McDonald’s Dinner Out

b.    Teacher Appreciation day/week

c.     Spring Pot Luck

d.    Scholastic Dollar purchase

e.     Requests pending and fulfilled

                                                             i.      Kindergarten field trip to As You Wish

                                                          ii.      Still pending:  Graduation parties for K and 8th—cake, punch, balloons

                                                       iii.      Still pending: Zoo “In” Trip for 1st through 4th grades

                                                       iv.      Still pending:  frogs and equipment for dissection

                                                          v.      “African Cats” Imax movie and pizza for teachers, April 28th

                                                       vi.      4th grade celebration of reaching reading goal of 400 books; helped with pizza and drinks

                                                    vii.      Mrs. Haynes and Mr. Steve got power cords for their laptops


V.              New Business

a.     Officially closing and disbanding the PTO


VI.           Announcements:  The PTO website and Facebook pages will remain active andwill be updated through the last week of school 






I.                     Welcome by president, Kris


II.                   Administration Report:  Principal Mr. Steve

Aims testing going well, enrollment for next year for private school 30 confirmed, need 60 to continue.  The upper floor has been rented by the  International  Charter school for next year for 5th and 6th grade classes.  This will not affect the Scottsdale school for next year as there will be a sufficient number of rooms that will be made available by the Jewish school. 


III.                 Treasurers Report:  Approx $3800 in account

IV.         Business Report:

a.   Mcdonalds Dinner Out:  This will be scheduled  after we see how the picnic goes.

b. Teacher appreciation week:  May 2nd-6th  On National Teacher appreciation day May 3rd PTO will bring in coffee and donuts for teachers.

c.   Spring pot luck: Scheduled on April 29th. This is not a fundraiser so there will be no auction or baskets.  Raffle prizes will include a $25.00 gift certificate from Farellis Dinner Cinema, a Build a Bear Hop Stuffed Rabbit, a $25.00 gift certificate at Half Price Bookstore, a massage gift certificate.  The cost of the raffle tickets will go towards purchase of some major prizes  (portable dvd player/ipod shuffle)  Any additional money left that was raised in the raffle will be used for field trips.

d.   Scholastic dollars:  There is a remaining amount of $25.00 to be spent or it will be forfeited.  The final decision will be left up to the discretion of the president, Kris.

e.  Money  requests:

        i.  5th – 8th graders will be going to the “African Cats” Imax movie.  Tickets are $5.50 per child and $7.00 per teacher.  Decision made to pay for these tickets.  A total of $396.50.

        ii.  7th graders will be dissecting frogs.  Purchase of frogs and equipment will be made at $376.05

        iii. Ms. Haynes needs battery pack/cord to submit reports this year.  Decision was made to pay for this expense of approximately  $50.

iv.  Graduation party for 8th and kindergarten.  Decision made to pay for a cake and balloons at approximately $50 per class.

v.  Zoo “In” trip for 1st/2nd/3rd/4th graders:  Decision made to pay for one hour at $190.00

vi.  Kindergarten “As you Wish” trip.   Decision to pay for this at $88.00 (firing fee will be waived by “As you Wish”)

vii.  More requests:  Will be considered as they come in.

V.                   Announcements:  Next and last regular Meeting will be held on May 11th.  Watch your email.




KCDS PTO Minutes, March 9, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Kris Johnston at 4:00. 


Mr. Steve gave the administration report. The 6th grade teacher, Mr. Kreager, is leaving the school, and Ms. Locatis will be taking over.  The first grades are being combined which makes a first grade class of 19 students, and Mrs. Brick is taking a personal leave of absence until the end of March/beginning of April.  School spirit efforts continue to ensure the students know they are important and should take pride in the learning they are doing at Kachina.  Every Friday is a Themed Dress Down day, and every effort is being made to make any transitions as smooth as possible.  Parents are always welcome to come to Mr. Steve with questions or concerns.  Mr. Steve says he heard a rumor is going around that the school has lost its License to operate, but that is not true, and he wants to be sure everyone hears that the school is still functioning normally through June.


Treasurer's Report:  The account currently has $4444.26.  That includes the money owed to Scholastic from the Book Fair (about $1000) as we have not yet resolved that account.  After a new Treasurer is elected, the payment will be made.


The Minutes from the previous two meetings will be posted on-line.


Old Business:  vending machine—research has not been completed yet to see if the PTO can sell the machine, or if it will have to be a “request for a donation” sale; all food from the machine has been farmed out to 4th and 5th grades for sale.


Elections:  Bill Kostel was elected to the Treasurer position, and he accepted.


Committee Reports:  1.  March PTO Dinner Out at McDonald’s March 28th—Bill Kostel, Chair.  There was some discussion about whether to hold the event.  McDonald’s requires at least four people from the school to “work” the event, but so few people are volunteering these days.  Mr. Steve said he would talk to the teachers about making it a “McTeacher’s Night” like last year and ask the teachers to participate. He said he believes the teachers are still very committed to the school and students and will make the effort to come.  2.  Fry's Cool Cash—we hit our goal!  $52,000 was sold, so we should expect $500 from them by the end of April/beginning of May.  Other Fund Raising Committee discussion was held regarding the remaining Fund Raising like Mix ‘n’ Licks, Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s Soup labels and escrip shoppers.  Because the PTO is continuing to meet the needs of the school, the committee decided to continue with the programs until the end of the school year.


New Business:  1. The PTO purchased pencil sharpeners for several classrooms, and Mr. Steve thanked the committee.  2.  Spring BBQ and Auction, April 28th—the event will be at the same park we have used before.  Mr. Steve will update the request letter for donations.  We are still a non-profit, so any donations will be tax deductible.


Announcements:  The Kachina Country Day School PTO Facebook page and website are updated.  Scottsdale Country Day School is holding an Open House this Friday.  There has been a good response from the advertising and write-ups in the Parenting and Arizona magazines.  There will be a SCDS Facebook page and a Website for the PTO up later this month.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:30.

Signed, Kris Johnston, Secretary Pro-tem


Minutes of Business Meeting

Feb 16th, 2011


A Round Table Business meeting was held February 16th, 2011. 


Mr. Steve attended and explained what is happening now because of the charter renewal being denied.  Kachina will still be a functioning school through the end of the school year. 


He discussed the options for the Kachina families, including Scottsdale Country Day School and scholarships.  He is currently researching a program that works like the State Tax Credit program.  Individuals or families can donate up to $1000.  The money cannot be earmarked for a specific student, but a school can be specified.  The school then applies for the money on behalf of the student, and the fund awards the scholarship.  Any monies left after one school is funded will be distributed among all the other schools in the program.  There are currently three schools in the program.  Mr. Steve is continuing his research and will keep everyone informed.  He also discussed the discounts he is offering at Scottsdale Country Day School for Kachina families.  He feels confident that the school will open successfully in August.  He already has a staff in place and is accepting enrollment applications.  An Open House is scheduled this weekend, and everyone is welcome.


The PTO Dinner Out at McDonald’s was scheduled for February 22; however, it will be rescheduled because of the President’s Day holiday.  Bill Kostel will reschedule the event.


The Scholastic Buy One/Get One Book Fair was successful.  Kindergarten won the door contest.  The books were only picked up today (Feb 16th), so there is no final report on the number of books or sales yet.


As of today, we are sitting at about $47,000 at Fry’s, so we will probably make the amount of sales we need for the $500 donation.  Escrip continues to deposit money in our account, and the 4th/5th grades are still selling vending machine food.


We discussed what to do with the PTO-owned vending machine.  SCDS is not interested in buying it from us.  Research needs to be done to see if a non-profit organization can sell something that may show a profit.


Election of a new Treasurer was tabled until the next regular meeting on March 9th.


Beth Betcher is going to hold a “Teacher Appreciation” luncheon and has asked for the PTO’s help.  She will ask for donations and volunteers directly from the parents and would like to have the PTO’s support.  The date set is March 25th.  She will keep us informed.


Signed, Kris Johnston, Secretary Pro-tem



KCDS PTO Minutes

January 12, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Kris Johnston.  Mr. Steve gave Administration Report.  He discussed what may happen if the Charter renewal is denied.  He answered questions from the attending parents.  The judge could decide anytime now; we hope to hear soon.


Treasurer's Report.   Lori Glover has moved to another school, but came to the meeting to discuss the state of our account.  We are still receiving automatic deposits from escrip; we earned $500 from Box Tops for Education.  Bill Kostel was nominated for the Treasurer’s position, and elections will be held at our next regular meeting.


Summary of Minutes was read by Kris Johnston.


Old Business.  1.  The Honey Baked Ham Sale only netted about $80.  The PTO decided not to have another Honey Baked sale this year.  2.  Mr. Steve reported that he monitored the parking lot for speeders.  A suggestion was made that signs be posted to make drivers aware of the kids and parents walking in the lot.  3.  A motion was made, seconded and passed that the PTO not purchase the picnic tables as originally planned with the PTO funds at this time.


Fund Raising Committee Reports. The PTO decided to continue fund raising for the remainder of the Kachina School year.  Any funds raised will be designated to a PTO-decided cause at the end of the year.  1.  The PTO decided against having a Dinner Out in January.  Bill Kostel volunteered to set up a Dinner Out at McDonald’s in February.  2.  Spring BBQ and Silent Auction is still an event the PTO would like to sponsor in April.  The discussion was tabled until the next regular meeting.  3.  At Fry's we have $36,920 from 24 cards so far, so it looks like we’ll have enough for a nice donation from Fry’s.  4.  Other fund raisers—selling food with 4th/5th grades and schoolstore.com continue.


New Business.  The Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled for Feb 7-11.  The PTO decided to change the “for profit” fair to a “BOGO” fair because of the uncertainty of the Kachina charter.  There was a call for volunteers—we will have a door decorating contest and a VIP Breakfast during that week.


Announcements—the Feb meeting was rescheduled for the 16th.


Meeting was Adjourned.


Signed:  Kris Johnston, Secretary Pro-tem


  KCDS PTO Meeting Minutes


Kachina North PTO Mtg - November 2010

I               Meeting called to order at 4pm

II             Minutes read - Jenny Bishop

III            Treasurer's Report - Lori Glover

                A             Current Balance - $ 5,444.65

                                Funds Available - $ 1,682.65

                B             Box Tops have been turned in. We might get a check in December.

                C             Check expected soon from Panda Express.

                D             Nothing received yet from t-shirt sales at BBQ.

IV            Principal's Report:

                There is a charter hearing on Nov. 22nd which is not open to parents. Parents and friends of Kachina will be asked to speak on behalf of the school at the January hearing. Watch for a letter being sent home when we know more.

                One option for the school next year is to have it run as a private school with tuition running around $4000/year.The school would be called Scottsdale Country Day School, and It would cover grades from pre-K to 8th. Steve would own and operate the school independently.

                The former PE teacher, Ms. Shirley, turned out to not be the right fit for our school. The new teacher, Mr. Caschetta, is working out much better.

                THANK YOU!!! for the purchases for PE and the classrooms.

V             Old Business

                A             Playground Equipment

                B             Vending machine is fixed. 4/5th grades are running food sales. Sales are good, especially for items that don't fit well into the machine. They take pennies, too!

IV            Committee Reports

                A             Food Drive - running through the end of next week. Winning class will get a cupcake or pizza party. 4th grade is counting collections as a math project.

                B             Fry's Cards - we have 23 registered

                C             Escrip - total to date of $30

                D             Used uniforms - brought in $10 this month

                E              Cookie Dough - orders are in. Sold 340 items. Profit is around $1200, a little lower than lastyear. Incentives weren't as promoted among the students this year.

                F              Panda Express - no news yet.  Barely anyone turned up there.

                G             B&N Book Fair - on track for December 11th. Getting posters and vouchers from the store and meeting with Erica.

                H             Fresh and Easy - envelopes are in the classrooms and a box in the office for receipts over $20. Dec 9th will be shopping nighgt at the store and volunteers will be needed to collect receipts from shoppers. Old receipts from September count too.

                I               Honey Baked Ham - Flyers went out. Dates were moved to accomodate the flyer distribution. Delivery will be Nov. 23rd.  Money is due on the 19th with the orders. Extra help would be appreciated on pick up day.

VI            New Business

                A             Cookie Dough - Elaine requests volunteers to help with cookie dough on the 19th and help with used uniforms.

VII          Announcements   next mtg is 12/8

                Fundraising committee meets 12/1

VIII         Meeting Adjourned 4:45pm



October 20, 2010


I.             Meeting called to order at 4pm.

II.            Minutes read - Jenny Bishop. Minutes changed to reflect meeting started at 3:55 pm.

III.           Treasurer's Report - Lori Glover

                A. Current balance $2809.08 of which $1250 is available to allocate. Still waiting on B of A matching funds. If we find we have raised enough money for the picnic tables, we should buy them rather than continue to wait on B of A. We are about $500 short of that goal now.

                B.  Fall Book Fair earned $480.55. Scholastic cash was used to complete the teachers' wish lists.

                C.  Fall picnic and raffle earned $331.28. Lori noted that folks seemed much happier spending smaller amounts for raffle tickets to win specific prizes than they might be pledging larger amounts for large baskets at the Silent Auction in the spring. Elaine Gadd commented that the lower entry price encouraged greater participation as well.

IV.          Principal's Report

                A. Charter appeal - the 60 day deadline has passed but there's been no word received yet about approval or denial of the appeal. Uncertainty regarding the future of the school has cost us 10 dropped students and one teacher this year. The lack of information is very frustrating.

                B.  Changes in staff - Mrs. Lantz felt uncertain about her position with the school and sought employment elsewhere. Mr. Kreager has been moved to the 6th Grade teaching position. A new PE teacher, who also will teach Spanish for upper grades, has been hired, Shirley Hilowat. A new kindergarten aide is in place, Ms. Anne.

                C.  SchoolStore.com - a check arrived for $51 and Ms. Skovgard has received money for her classroom.

                D.  New PE equipment funds were received from the PTO but Mr. Steve is waiting to purchase equipment based on the needs of the new PE teacher. Those will be determined and purchased in the next week or so.

VI.          Old Business

                A.  Picnic tables will be purchased when we have enough money in the PTO account so we're not waiting on B of A.

                B.  Vending machine repair - The technician wants to come tomorrow, Thursday, at 5pm, but needs someone specific to meet with and sign his repair sheet.  Kris will see if Mr. Kreager is available for that task. If he's unable to help, Jenny Bishop will step in. Elaine suggested using paper coins taped to the vending machine to illustrate to the students which coins are OK to use. If we can't get the machine repaired this week, Mrs. Johnson has requested that the 4th Grade be allowed to sell the snacks as a practical lesson in math.  The request was approved—even if the machine gets fixed.

                C.  Fry's cards - only 20 cards are registered so we need to work on getting the word out to all our families and friends.

                D.  Escrip – we received another check for $11.10, making the total $20 so far this year.

                E.  Used Uniforms - Elaine Gadd.  Elaine needs to step down from handling the sales of used uniforms, but will continue to organize the stock on hand and keep the racks neat. Used uniforms have brought in $184 so far this year.

                F.  BBQ and Raffle - covered in Treasurer's Report.

                G.  Wear It Now - no word yet on how much return we can expect from t-shirt sales.

                H.  Cookie Dough – Natalie Franca (not present)  The big prizes have arrived.  Jenny will show them off at flag on Monday to inspire the students.  We can pay online this year, but it's not straight forward.  Natalie is looking for help on delivery day, Nov. 19th.

                I.  Dinner Out - Panda Express - Bill Kostel (not present). Next Wednesday from 1-8pm at the Panda Express on Tatum and Shea. We get 20% of sales with flyers.  PTO will provide dinner for the teachers on parent-teacher conference nights with a variety of selections from Panda Express.

                J.  Barnes and Noble Book Fair - Jenny Bishop. Jenny was unable to attend the recent workshop but will meet privately with Erica, the B&N event coordinator to glean needed information. We are scheduled for Sat. Dec 11th, and will have a gift-wrap table during 4 of those hours.

                K. Fresh and Easy - Paula O'Connor (not present). Receipts from any Fresh N Easy store where the total purchase was over $20 are being collected. Planning for a "Shopping Night" fundraiser is underway.

                L.  Honey Baked Ham - Elaine Gadd stepped up to chair this event. Orders will be taken from Nov. 1-8th, with a possible grace period until the 10th. Checks can be made out to Kachina PTO. Delivery day is Nov. 19th, so families can pick up their cookies and hams at the same time. Elaine will need help on delivery day.

VII.  New Business

                A.  Food Drive – Caroline Pilkinton.  Usually starts around November 1st.  Lori suggested getting 7th and/or 8th grades to help.

                B.  Scholastic Book Fair - next one is scheduled for Feb. 8-11 and will be a regular sale. Caroline suggested having the fair offsite. Kris will check with Scholastic to see if that would be alright with them. We will have the BOGO cases-only sale at the end of the school year to promote summer reading.

VIII.  There were no other announcements.

IX.  Meeting adjourned at 4:55pm




September 8, 2010 

I.                  Called to Order @ 3:55

II.                Minutes Were Read and amended.

III.             Treasurer's Report was given

$1952.98 is currently in the account.  After money that has been set aside last year for picnic tables/playground equipment, there will be a remainder of approximately $90.00.

IV.             Principal's Report:

            The Charter School Board has 60 days to reply to the school’s appeals to renew the charter.  This could be around the middle of October depending on whether that is 60 days business days or 60 actual days.

V.                Old Business

A.       Book Gaps and Laminator supplies:  The laminating  machine is currently being used and supplies are now available.

B.      Summer time purchases:  we are waiting on the purchase of the playground picnic tables and equipment until Bank of America matches the donations made last year from the spring auction.

VI.             Committee Reports

A.       Scholastic Book Fair starts next week and many have signed up to volunteer. Thursday the books arrive, and we will be setting up on Thursday and Friday.  Friday will be the teacher preview and on Monday the class preview.  The book fair will be open until 2:30 Friday.

                                                                        i.  Book Fair VIP Breakfast will be held Tuesday from 8:00-9:30.--Chair Elaine Gadd.  The total cost to the PTO will be around $100.00.  There is help needed in decorating Monday night after school and any suggestions are welcome.  The theme is Heroes.  There will be coloring pages passed out to younger children to color and hang up. A suggestion was made to make a poster regarding the  breakfast and set outside.  Another suggestion to put out old books to let kids look at while their parents are looking for books.

                                                                        ii.      Open House—Jamba Juice smoothies will be sold on Wednesday Open House Night.  Some of the proceeds will go to the school. Coupon books will also be sold.

iii. Votes will be made for the best decorated door.  The best class door will be able to have Mr. Steve dress up as the hero depicted. Voting will start at 3:30, so everyone can vote if they can’t come to the open house at 5-7pm

b.       Fund Raisers already underway:

                                                              i.      Vending Machine:  Vending machine is making $100 a week and PTO is spending $50-60 a week to replenish.  It is now taking paper dollars. It is to be noted that some children are spending coin dollars that are quarter size and losing $.75.  The  code of conduct is to be put there including this information.

                                                            ii.      Fry's/Safeway/Escrip:  We have no stats online yet to indicate how the Frys fundraiser is going.  There are stickers in office if individuals want to put them on their regular card.  If you scanned one last year you need to rescan the new code.  For the Safeway one you must renew online with Escrip.com

                                                            iii.     Used uniforms:  We made $25.00 just today.  Elaine Gadd  volunteered to organize this fundraiser.  Suggestion made to post a schedule when racks will be out. 

                                                          iv.      Boxtops for Education and Campbell's Soup Labels: For the boxtops,  11 people are registered.  You can go to BTFE.com to register to enter the school in a sweepstakes for free boxtops.  We currently have 1700 points with the Soup Labels. Motion was made to spend right now by Bill and seconded by Lori.  All agreed.

VII.          New Business

a.        Cookie Dough Sale--Chair Natalie Franca

This will start on Oct. 18th the Monday after fall break.  It will run for 2 weeks.  They will arrive approximately two weeks later for delivery. They will take master card and visa.  The cost is $6.75 per tub and will sell for $11.00 per tub.  We will  make an announcement at the fall barbecue.

b.      Committee for Fall BBQ and Raffle will be meeting today.  They will make decisions regarding the place and time.

c.       PTO Dinner Out--October Chair-- Bill Kostel: No further information at this time.

 d.      New Fund Raisers

                                                              i.      Wear it now Fund Raiser—Decals, shirts, totes, etc. with the Kachina logo or with pictures on them will be available to purchase.  At the fall barbecue pictures can be taken and available to put on t-shirts at $18 per shirt.

                                                            ii.      Fresh and Easy Fund Raiser--Paula O'Connor  No further information available at this time.

                                                          iii.      Holiday Store:

 Currently research is being done for a company to come in with products that the children can come in and purchase as gifts for parents and others.

                                                          iv.      Honey Baked Ham:

 This is similar to the cookie dough sale.  A decision will be made by the fundraising committee to do before Christmas or Thanksgiving. 15% of purchases will be made by the school.

                                                            v.      Schoolstore.com:

  Waiting for paperwork on this.

VIII.       Announcements

a.       Minimall Schedule:  No definite date for this.

b.      Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Rolls are being collected for  Ms. Marla’s classroom and are appreciated if anyone can bring in to her class.  They are working on a project for this.

c.    Facebook page available on website. 

d.  Ms. Ketchum was not able to attend today.  She is currently our faculty liaison for the teachers and PTO.


IX.             Adjourned @ 5:00


Next  meeting will be Oct 20!  Watch your email.



Meeting called to order at  4:00 pm by President, Kris Johnston


SECRETARY REPORT: Reading of the last PTO Meeting by Sonja  Columb .  No addendum


Account currently  has $1,969.75.  After purchases and expenses  $47.55 will be remaining in the account.   There are still details to wrap up for purchases for the reading room, picnic tables and tether ball

(Treasurer’s report attached)

Motion made to accept the treasurer’s report.


Mr. Steve thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and being actively involved in their children’s education.  Currently there are 168 students with two  1st grade classes.

In order to accommodate the traffic at the end of the  school day, there has been a change in the kindergarten classes time release to 3:00 p.m.   Parents will be picking them up in their classroom.

In order to reply to any rumors that have been circulating in regards to a possible closer of the school, Mr. Steve proceeded to explain briefly how Charter Schools work.  The first charter schools were initiated in 1996.  During the first  15 years they were required  to meet certain obligations.  Upon review by the Board of Charter Schools it was determined that 8 of these obligations have not been met by Kachina. The obligations that the school failed to meet were not  academic but rather mainly tax obligations as well as breaking Open Meeting laws  Therefore, in July  the renewal of the school operating as a charter school was not approved.  Kachina has appealed this decision as of 2 weeks ago.  The Board of Charter Schools  have 30 days to reply.  Therefore, within the next two months the school should have a final answer.  However, even  if the appeal is denied , Kachina will be allowed to go through this school year.  Also, if there is a denial, another charter school could possibly take over the school  inheriting the staff, school, students, etc.  As the school knows more it will be sending out information.    Several questions then ensued for discussion.  Since the other campus is private they are not mandated to the laws of the charter school.  Kachina is one of the first set of charter schools to go through the renewal process and to get rejected.  Individuals can go on line to the Arizona Charter Board’s website to  look at the meeting minutes summary.  Mr. Steve is not serving on Kachina’s Board at this time

To aid in the explanation of the process, Mary Lynn Kelly (a parent of a former Kachina student and a former member of the Board of Charter Schools) was available to explain further how the process works.   There are a list of 15 requirements to be met to continue as a charter school.  Kachina  has failed to meet 8 of those requirements.   For example federal taxes are still owed by the school in the  approximate amount of $88,000.  Other requirements that were not met were time sensitive issues such as fingerprinting of all the teachers.  There is currently a business manager brought in to make sure such things are done on time such as the  fingerprinting  of  the staff.  The payroll state taxes have been paid in full.   Steps are being made to rectify other issuesMr. Steve is willing to address any of these issues privately.


  1. Book Gaps:  Lori Glover reported that there are gaps in the number of book sets that were purchased last year.  These books sets were purchased based on the number of students we had last year.  Now that class sizes have increased there are shortages.  A motion was made to purchase other book sets as needed by the PTO funds.   This motion was made by Jenny Bishop and seconded  by Brenda.

  2. A laminator was also purchased last year with supplies for 8x10 papers.  Therefore, there is need for legal size sheets to be purchased as needed.  It was requested by the treasurer to have a blanket approval to purchase these supplies as needed .   There is an organization called  Treasurer’s for Teachers that could have these supplies for purchase that could save substantial money.  A motion was made by Lori and seconded Jenny.   Motion approved.

  3.    Summer Time purchases: Most items that were approved last school year were purchased.  However the purchase of the playground picnic tables has been delayed due to the rest of the donations that were expected to come in. 

  4. Frys/ Safeway/Escrip fundraisers:  A flyer was sent home to explain how these fundraisers work.  For example at Fry’s a barcode (such as in the flyer) can be scanned only once.  It links the school to purchases that are made.  The Fry’s fundraiser can make as much as $2000 a year.  For every $50,000 in sales there is a check given to the PTO in the amount of $500. This starts this year in September and runs until April.  There are also links to Safeway and  Escrip.

  5. Water bottles are being sold for .50.  There is a possibility that a refrigerator could be donated.  Used uniforms are being sold for the amount of $4.00 each.  Campbells soup box tops are being collected by each class.   Each class has a little box in each classroom to collect these.  Vending machine are working.  It does not work with paper bills yet, coins only.  A  Code of conduct flyer  was sent out for parents/students to sign and bring back.

Committee Report:

A fund raiser committee will  be formed asap.  There will be  a set day for monthly meetings.  This committee is formed to decide what fundraising projects will be done this year. 



  1. Volunteer s Needed.

  1. Uniform Sales

  2. Copy Club (a sign up sheet will be provided)

  3. Scholastic Book Fair (a sign up sheet was made available with a schedule to be available at the end of the meeting)  Volunteers are needed for the VIP breakfast and at the open house.

  4. At the Meet the Teacher night on the 24th volunteers are needed to have a table to catch families to volunteer with the PTO and to make families aware of the fundraisers such as using the barcodes for Fry’s.

  5. Cookie Dough Sale:  This fundraiser is usually in October.  A new chairperson is needed to head this up.

  6. Fall BBQ:  This is usually held the Friday before fall break.  Donations are needed for the raffle to be held.

  1. BBVA/Compass Bank:  Compass bank sponsors fundraiser  for the whole school year.  If a parent signs up to open a checking account the school earns $25.00.  If 25 accounts are opened in August the school earns $500.  A $25.00 minimum is required with no bank fees.  Mr. Steve mentioned that he was told by Compass that if a parent transfers $25.00 each month from the checking account to a savings account they will receive a bonus of $250 at the end of the year.  There are also no ATM fees at other banks.


Anyone who is attending PTO will not be charged for the daycare.  They only need to indicate that on the sign out sheet.

Next meeting of PTO is September 8.


Motion was made by to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned @ 5:00 p.m.

If you would like to see any minutes from previous meetings, please come by the office to request them, or contact the PTO for a copy.